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Growfully with Jenna

Growfully with Jenna

Cultivating a love of edible gardening in Zone 6a, Ohio.

Growing a garden and experiencing the intimate interaction with nature that gardening affords is one of the most joyful experiences available to modern humans. I want to help remove some of the barriers to that experience by offering tips, tricks and lessons learned in and from my own garden, to ensure that you have a positive and rewarding experience in yours!

I have a deep love for all things edible, and specialize in growing vegetables & herbs. I dabble in fruit, annual flowers and perennial ornamentals. I've been growing both for fun and for a career for nearly 30 years (I'm a seed trial manager by trade). Here at Growfully, I hope to share some of the specific varieties I've had the most success with, information & ideas to decrease your work and increase your enjoyment & success in the garden, garden projects & How-to's, and a garden-fresh recipe thrown in in here or there for good measure.

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